Lost Nation (2024)

Run Time: 107 minutes.


Eva Ndachi (as Lucy Terry Prince) is just REMARKABLE.
— Mikaela Lefrak, Vermont Edition
Ndachi’s performance and her command of the character is POWERFUL.
— Ian Dartley, Seven Days

Tour Dates

For tickets and information, visit: https://www.catamountarts.org/kcp-presents/


Tuesday, July 16th @ 7pm - Montpelier, VT, Savoy Theater - $15 Admission

Wednesday, July 17th @ 7pm - Montpelier, VT, Savoy Theater - $15 Admission

Thursday, July 18th @ 7pm - Montpelier, VT, Savoy Theater - $15 Admission

Saturday, July 20th @ 7pm - Middlebury, VT, Middlebury Town Hall Theater - $15 Admission

Thursday, July 25th @ 7pm - St. Johnsbury, VT, Catamount Arts Center - $15 General Admission / $12 Catamount Arts Members

Saturday, July 27th @ 7pm - St. Johnsbury, VT, Catamount Arts Center - $15 Admission / $12 Catamount Arts Members

Sunday, July 28th @ 7pm - St. Johnsbury, VT, Catamount Arts Center - $15 Admission / $12 Catamount Arts Members

Monday, July 29th @ 7pm - St. Albans, VT, Welden Theater - $15 Admission

Tuesday, July 30th @ 7pm - St. Albans, VT, Welden Theater - $15 Admission

Wednesday, August 7th @ 7pm - Greensboro, VT, Highland Center for the Arts - $15 Admission

Friday, August 9th @ 7pm - Ferrisburgh, VT, Union Meeting Hall - $15 Admission

Saturday, August 10th @ 7pm - Middlebury, VT, Middlebury Town Hall Theater - $15 Admission

Monday, August 12th @ 7pm - Rutland, VT, Rutland Free Library - $15 Admission

Tuesday, August 13th @ 7:30pm - Arlington, VT, The Arlington Common - $15 Admission

Wednesday, August 14th @ 7pm - Bennington, VT, Bennington Museum - $15 Admission / $12 Bennington Museum Members

Thursday, August 15th @ 7pm - Bennington, VT, Bennington Museum - $15 Admission / $12 Bennington Museum Members

Friday, September 20th @ 6:30pm - Starksboro, VT, Starksboro Village Meeting house - Free Admission

Saturday, September 21st @ 7:15pm - Montgomery, VT, Montgomery Town Hall - $10 Admission *

Saturday, October 5th @ 7pm - Williston, VT, Williston Central School Auditorium - $15 Admission

Saturday, October 12th @ 7:30pm - Willsboro, NY, Whallonsburg Grange Hall - $10 Admission**

Friday, October 18th @ 7pm - Bellows Falls, VT, Bellows Falls Opera House - $15 Admission

Saturday, October 19th @ 3:30pm - Newport Beach, CA, Newport Beach Film Festival at Big Newport 6 - $20 Admission**

Saturday, October 27th @ 2pm - Hanover, NH, Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth - $9+ Admission **

Sunday, November 10th @ 2pm - Colebrook, NH, Great North Woods Community Arts Center - $15 Admission **

Monday, November 11th @ 7pm - Lancaster, NH, Rialto Theater - $15 Admission **

Wednesday, November 13th @ 7pm - St. Johnsbury, VT, St. Johnsbury Athenaeum - Free Admission **

Friday, November 15th @ 7pm - Fairlee, VT, Fairlee Town Hall Auditorium - Free Admission **

Saturday, November 23rd @ 3pm - Woodstock, VT, Billings Farm and Museum - $15 Admission / $12 Billings Farm and Museum Members **

Sunday, November 24th @ 3pm - Woodstock, VT, Billings Farm and Museum - $15 Admission / $12 Billings Farm and Museum Members **

Saturday, November 30th @ 7pm - Putney, VT, Next Stage Arts - $15 Admission

Sunday, December 1st @ 2pm - Guilford, VT, Broad Brook Community Center - $10 Admission

Friday, December 13th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters * - No Q&A

Saturday, December 14th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters *

Sunday, December 15th @ 2pm - Brandon, VT, Brandon Town Hall - Free Admission *

Sunday, December 15th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters * - No Q&A

Monday, December 16th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters * - No Q&A

Tuesday, December 17th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters * - No Q&A

Wednesday, December 18th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters * - No Q&A

Thursday, December 19th @ 4pm and 6:45pm - Concord, NH, Red River Theaters * - No Q&A

Thursday, January 16th @ 6:30pm - Norwich, VT, Norwich Public Library - $10 Admission

Friday, February 7th @ 6:30pm - Wilmington, VT, Old School Community Center - Free Admission *

Friday, February 21st @ 7:30pm - Shelburne Falls, MA, Shelburne Falls Memorial Hall - $6 Admission Adults, $4 Admission 12 & under ** - No Q&A

Saturday, February 22nd @ 7:30pm - Shelburne Falls, MA, Shelburne Falls Memorial Hall - $6 Admission Adults, $4 Admission 12 & under **

Saturday, March 1st @ 7pm- Waterbury Center, VT , Grange Hall Cultural Center - $15 Admission **

Sunday, March 2nd @ 2pm- Waterbury Center, VT , Grange Hall Cultural Center - $15 Admission **

Saturday, March 15th @ 2pm - New Haven, VT, New Haven Town Hall - Free Admission *

Sunday, March 23rd @ 3:45pm - Rhinebeck, NY, Upstate Films: Starr Cinema - Various Admission**

Wednesday, April 9th @ 6pm - Newport, VT, North Country Union High School Auditorium - Free Admission *

Saturday, April 26th @ 2pm - North Hero, VT, North Hero Community Hall - Free Admission *

Monday, May 5th - Manchester, VT, Manchester Community Library - Free Admission

Tuesday, May 13th @ 7pm - Shelburne, VT, Shelburne Town Hall - Free Admission

Wednesday, June 11th @ 5pm - Quechee, VT, The Quechee Club - $15 Admission

* Advance tickets not available, tickets can be purchased at the door.

** Tickets available through venue website. Visit KCP Events for more information.



CONTACT Nicole Doerges AT Nicoleldoerges@gmail.com



The birth of Vermont. The promise of an American Revolution.

Directed by Jay Craven
Produced by Jay Craven and Elena Greenlee
Executive Producer: India Blake
Starring Kevin Ryan as Ethan Allen and Eva Ndachi as Lucy Terry Prince. Also, Rob Campbell, Matt Orduna, Rusty DeWees, Ariel Zevon and others.

“All history is current.” – Alice Walker

Jay Craven’s newest film, “Lost Nation,” is a Revolutionary War era action drama set in the early upstart Republic of Vermont. The film stars Irish actor Kevin Ryan (“Copper,” Harry Wild”) as Vermont founding father and rebel schemer, Ethan Allen, who leads resistance to Yorker land claims, launches an ill-fated attack on British forces in Montreal, and leads invasions by his Green Mountain Boys into New York strongholds of Guilford and Brattleboro. At every turn, Allen navigates thick entanglements with allies, enemies, and family.

“Lost Nation’s” parallel story features Kenyan actress Eva Ndachi (“Beautifully Broken”) as Lucy Terry Prince, whose poem, “Bars Fight,” about the 1746 Deerfield Massacre, is the first known work of African American literature. Terry settled with her family on a Guilford, Vermont homestead carved out of the forest by her husband, formerly enslaved farmer, and frontier transport operator, Abijah Prince. Prince antagonist, aspiring Guilford politician John Noyes, is played by Rob Campbell (“The Crucible,” “Ethan Frome,” “The Unforgiven”).

Like Ethan Allen, the Princes found themselves caught up in turbulent times and a prospect for land and liberty sought through the American Revolution. Like Allen, Lucy Prince also upset the status quo in her use of early Vermont’s legal and political systems to persevere through the sometimes-difficult experiences of her family. Ethan Allen’s invasion of Guilford seized control of Guilford’s Packers Corner Tavern, less than a mile from the Prince Homestead.

“Lost Nation” was filmed on more than 3 dozen Vermont and Massachusetts locations – and includes battle scenes, dozens of locations and 43 speaking parts – on an indie film budget. Characters range from Ira Allen and Thomas Chittenden to George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. One fun fact: Boston patriot Samuel Adams is played by his direct descendent, Samuel Adams.

“Lost Nation” is Craven’s 10th feature film. His work has shown at Sundance, Lincoln Center, The Smithsonian and more than 500 cities and towns across the U.S. – and in 53 countries. He is the recipient of the 1998 Vermont Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts, the 2023 Herb Lockwood Prize, four regional Emmys, the Producers Guild of America’s NOVA Award, National Endowment for the Arts’ American Masterpieces recognition, and others.


The film was produced through Kingdom County Productions’ Semester Cinema program where 30 professionals mentor and collaborate with 45 students from 10 colleges, to make an ambitious feature film for national release. The film was co-produced by Upper Valley Vermont resident Elena Greenlee and co-stars Vermont actors Rusty DeWees and Ariel Zevon. Waterford filmmaker Patrick Kennedy edited the film.